Traders get funded accounts by using trutrade bot
Benjamin Franklin famously quoted “Money makes money” and while the original quote doubles down on the concept, those three words get the point across quite nicely. Unfortunately, not everybody has tens of thousands of dollars lying around to invest in the next big thing. This leaves would-be entrepreneurs discouraged as they contemplate securing the means for their future. The same can be said for would-be traders. So often people quit before they even start, lamenting that they have the knowledge but not the funds. One man sought and found an answer.
It’s very likely that anybody who has looked into the customer testimonies on has seen the smiling face of Guillermo Sandoval along with a certificate of funding for $50,000. Guillermo was introduced to automated trading software by his company at a seminar for ways to make money. The company even provided a model to use, but it didn’t quite live up to the standard Guillermo needed. He also ran afoul of several scams offering a get rich quick result that was too good to be true. He would later invest in TruTrade’s AutoRipper technology and eventually use it to secure a funded trading account with Apex Trader Funding for $50,000.
So, how did he and others make this happen? Funded trading is nothing new. Companies will provide large sums of capital to aspiring traders and profit in the long term by taking a portion of the profits. Depending on the business model, this cut could be anywhere from 50% to as low as 10%. However, these companies don’t invest in any Tom, Dick, or Harry that walks in from the street. Usually, if somebody wants to become a funded trader, they have to pass an Evaluation Account Process first.
This process isn’t without risk though. The monthly maintenance fees and split revenue can turn many traders off, especially if they’re starting out. Others may have issues with the revenue split or the limited way these funders release limited earnings on a monthly basis until those traders have built up some rapport with the company. Regardless, having the capital to properly execute one’s position is appealing.
There are dozens of prop trading firms to choose from. As an example, Apex Trader Funding has several evaluation models to choose from, spanning from $25,000 to as high as $300,000. The $50,000 would require a minimum of ten days trading with a profit goal of $3,000. In the event that the trader lost over $2,500, the account would become locked until the trader pays an $80 reset fee. Once the trader has shown a consistent, successful trading history and made $3,000, the evaluation account would close and a new account would be set up with the requested funds. Anybody being evaluated can take as long as they want to make this happen, so long as they pay the monthly evaluation fee. In this case, it would be $167.
Guillermo understood his skill level and chose the $50,000 evaluation because it was the best fit for his situation. With TruTrade’s easy to understand format and simulated trading feature, Guillermo has since earned 6 funded accounts by utilizing TruTrade’s automated trading software. Currently, Guillermo is in the process of earning his second $300,000 funded account.
One word of caution for any interested in riches beyond their imagination, no prize worth having is without effort. Guillermo took the time to analyze his needs, understand the risk, and properly prepare himself in order to secure his success. TruTrade helped him bridge the gap between his inexperience and the ability to become a consistently profitable trader while holding down a full-time job as a banker and foster parent to three children. Imagine what it can do for you.